It’s officially the first day of spring, and Northland has turned on just the right kind of weather.
Around the farmlet spring things are popping up everywhere.

The promise of future strawberries (thanks to CW who gave us plants, and to the bees for pollination services).

Tomato (‘Black Krim’ and ‘Cocktail’), courgette, coriander, and basil. Hopefully popping up sometime soon.
Of course no collection of spring photos is complete without a few lambs. Here are some I spotted the other day while heading through Dargaville to visit The Horsewoman. Yes, I thought you’d like them.
Let’s hope this warmer weather is going to be sticking around. The woodshed is looking quite depleted, and a lot less photogenic than it was in autumn.
So that’s us. What spring things are going on at your place?
Lilac coloured fresias here. And a LOT of weeds…they are really enjoying the spring weather. I have some nice ones with yellow flowers. Will have to look them up in the weed book.
Fresias are one of my favorite spring bulbs. Nice weeds??? As in pretty, or growing fine, or amiable? I have your weed book sorry…
THAT is an awesome view.
can you launch rockets in that direction come Guy Fawkes’?
Sukalati, the topic today is spring. Please keep up. x
Pretty and growing Super Well. I’ll have a chat with them later and assess their temperament. Off the cuff I’d guess more passive aggressive than amiable. They like to make out that they’re shy and retiring, sneaking here and there with their sweet little yellow bell flowers. I suspect however that they’re actually plotting a take over.
That’s weeds for you, all sweet and innocent until they are throttling your lettuce while you’re not looking. Buttercup has virtually taken over in the Top Paddock. Nothing shy and retiring about her though, just straight out brazen! As soon as the ground dries up a bit more I need to go out and declare war.
Sometimes weeds turn out to be spring flowers – miniature daffodils and grape hyacinths i pots – nice surprise. I’ve put them by Happy my yellow hatted gnome – a pressie from no1 daughter:) I love the triplet lambs and hope auntie now has some too.
I look forward to meeting Happy on the upcoming BOP trip x