Well everyone, I finally decided on the material for our kitchen benches. I nearly managed to get them installed as well, except that when they arrived last week the sink bench was the wrong size. Consequently it has gone back to the manufacturer to be altered.
So now we are frozen in that wonderful part of renovation hell where nothing is where it usually is, and every available surface is covered with a random selection of homeless items.

Chaos. Even more so than usual.
Making eggs on toast and a cup of tea has become an adventure all its own; the closest running water is in the laundry, a makeshift kitchen bench is comprised almost entirely of chopping boards precariously balanced, and all the saucepans now reside under the dining room table.
Ah well, eggs, omelettes… Wish us luck!
Agh! Yes we been in that hell too so our profound commiseratiions! But when all back to normal (!) so much less challenging, less sense of achievement🤣😍
Yes, you have had the whole kitchen bench saga too. Nothing like a bit of deprivation to engender gratitude for modern conveniences like running water in the kitchen! 🙂
Bet there were whimpers aplenty from the ForbHusb.
Fortunately he’s not yet old and blind, so, wimper as he may, I still have a few years left in which to turn the house upside-down.
Better than Hubble Bubble, TOILET Trouble! Or have you been there, done that?
Infinitely better! As yet no toilet trouble. Having swapped out two working, high water use toilets for low flush models, and had the septic tank emptied, I’m sincerely hoping we’ve staved off any ‘hubble bubble’ from that quarter. 🙂