That’s what we’re taking around here with the kitchen. Today we went from this:

Our kitchen universe, held together with force tape.
To this:
It’s not much of an upgrade in the scheme of things, but it feels like progress. I never thought I’d be trying to take a glamour shot of a power point, and yet here we are.

A PDL 600 series 4-gang, horizontal mount, switched socket outlet, looking sexy. This one is for you SB!
We’ll just have to accept that everything will look way more glam once some splash-back tiles are applied. In the meantime I’m grateful for power and running water, and especially for the Forbearing Husband, who right at this very instant is using those amenities to make me poached eggs on toast. Beautiful!
since tiles are intended for those bare walls… are they available for graffiti?
Whenever you want to invite Banksy home I’ll be up for whatever he’s got.
I’ll make a sparky out of you yet!
I’m apprenticed to the best! 🙂