All Quiet

You may or may not have noticed, but I’ve been vey quiet the last few days. The Forbearing Husband gets a bit worried when I’m quiet because it usually means I’m scheming (and we all know where my last five year plan got us). In this case though there’s nothing to worry about. I’m just busy …


Clue 1


Clue 2


Clue 3

Plastering! After weeks of procrastination I’ve finally started. Let’s all say ‘Hurrah for living room progress!’. I’ll be back soon with an update. 🙂



  1. after the plastering, will you be painting it in tiger stripes? or bumble bee stripes?

    • I think I’ll do stripes of Resene ‘Barely There’, alternating with bold stripes of Resene ‘Barely There’. The effect, I imagine, will be rather subtle. Less tiger, more white rhino.

    • Ha ha! What with doing my own plastering there might already turn out to be more texture than I would like. Somehow there are always bits that look and feel smooth until you get paint on them, and then they stand out like the proverbial dog genitalia.

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